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dataload error

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Hi all,


Each time when i run my scxript and load a file , the same file loads from navigator.


You can see the same file imported to data portal marked in red.

 Help me to resolve this ..



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Message 1 of 2
Accepted by topic author RSH

Hello RSH,


This is not an error it is a defined behavior in DIAdem. DIAdem has by default a unique group name and channel name condition. That means that the name of a group must be unique in the Dataportal and a channel name must be unique within a channel group. If you load some data that doesn’t fit with that condition DIAdem automatically counts-up the Name. If the end of the name is already a number this number will be count-up. To prevent a misunderstanding of original name and counted name you can choose a separator. You can set this separator in the “General Settings”, “Unique group and channel names”




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