06-29-2016 07:40 AM
I have a very simple script. I would like Diadem to first resample a channel and then work with other channels which are already in waveform.
Call ChnResampleFreqBased("[2]/Zeit [ms]","[2]/Punkt 1.dX [mm]","[2]/Punkt 1.dX [mm]",1e6,"Automatic",0,0) Call Data.Root.ChannelGroups.Add("Filtered",3).Activate() Call ChnLinScale("[1]/Extensometer B","[3]/Extensometer B",0.001,0)
After the channel Extensometer B is scaled and put in the new group it is not waveform anymore but normal numeric channel. When I don't preform the Resample function bofore everything works as expected (ie. it stays as waveform).
Thank you very much for any usefull commnets!
06-30-2016 12:24 AM
I double-checked that, but cannot reproduce it. I used the latest version DIAdem 2015 SP2 for the tests.
06-30-2016 08:49 AM
I have diadem 2014 and 2015 both 32 bit without any SP. I tried to run the same skript on other computer and I get the same problem. I am using Win 7 professional (64bit) with all the latest updates. I have no idea what the problem might be.
06-30-2016 08:55 AM
Please, can ceck it with the latest DIAdem 2015 SP2?
You find the installer if you search on NI.COM for "DIAdem 2015 SP2"