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Script that mimics the Excel DataPlugin Wizard

Hello, does anyone know of a way that I can call an excel file, make each of its sheets a group, and each column in that sheet a new channel inside the sheets corresponding group. I am essentially trying to script the Excel DataPlugin Wizard to easily add this excel files data to multiple TDM files. 

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@AdamShoberg4444 wrote:

Hello, does anyone know of a way that I can call an excel file, make each of its sheets a group, and each column in that sheet a new channel inside the sheets corresponding group. I am essentially trying to script the Excel DataPlugin Wizard to easily add this excel files data to multiple TDM files. 

Creating a streamlined process to convert Excel data into TDM groups and channels is a common challenge. Let's break down the problem and explore potential solutions.
Key Considerations:
Excel Data Structure: How is the data organized within the Excel file? Are there clear headers and consistent formatting?
TDM Structure: Understand the specific requirements for groups and channels in your TDM system.
Automation Tools: Consider using scripting languages like Python, VBA, or dedicated data integration tools.
TDM API: If available, leverage the TDM system's API for programmatic interaction.

Potential Approaches:
1. Excel Automation with VBA: Read Excel Data: Use VBA to extract data from Excel sheets. Create TDM Structure: Programmatically create groups and channels based on Excel data. Data Mapping: Map Excel columns to TDM channel attributes. TDM Integration: Find a way to import or create TDM objects using the extracted data.

2. Python Scripting with Libraries:  Excel Handling: Use libraries like openpyxl or pandas to read Excel data. TDM Integration: Explore TDM-specific libraries or APIs if available. Data Transformation: Manipulate data as needed to match TDM requirements.

3. Third-Party Data Integration Tools: Evaluate Tools: Research tools specialized in data integration and ETL processes. Excel to TDM Mapping: Configure the tool to map Excel data to TDM objects.

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