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How Can I Set the Scaling of a Graph's Y-Axis dynamically?

Hello all!

I'm attempting to define a scaling range using a value stored in a Custom Property of a TDMS file. 

In Curve and Axis Definition » Axis Parameters » Y-Scaling, I set:
- Scaling mode: Manual
- Begin: 0
- End: @@Data.GetChannel("[1]/Aliases\Chime_Amplitude").Properties("standard").Value, "AutoAdj"@@

And I get the message: "Invalid character"

Could someone help me with a way to do that?

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Message 1 of 6

At a quick glance it looks to me like you are missing an 'Open parenthesis' =   "("     at the beginning:


The third character in this string is missing:


@@(Data.GetChannel("[1]/Aliases\Chime_Amplitude").Properties("standard").Value, "AutoAdj"@@

Otmar D. Foehner
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Message 2 of 6

Hello clebermarques,

If I get you correct, you stored the scaling parameter as a channel property.To use that in the 2D axis system you must format it, which is similar to what you defined. There is just missing the formatter command STR, like this:


@@str(Data.GetChannel("[1]/Aliases\Chime_Amplitude").Properties("standard").Value, "AutoAdj)"@@




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Message 3 of 6

Hi! Thanks for replying!


I've tried in these 2 ways:


@@str(Data.GetChannel("[1]/Aliases\Chime_Amplitude").Properties("standard").Value, "AutoAdj)"@@


@@(Data.GetChannel("[1]/Aliases\Chime_Amplitude").Properties("standard").Value, "AutoAdj"@@


And I still getting the same error: "Invalid character".


Any other idea?


Thanks in advance! 

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Message 4 of 6

From my point of view the correct syntax is this:

@@str(Data.GetChannel("[1]/Aliases\Chime_Amplitude").Properties("standard").Value, "AutoAdj)"@@

What is the content of the property "Standard"?

What do you get in SCRIPT it you call this command:

Msgbox Data.GetChannel("[1]/Aliases\Chime_Amplitude").Properties("standard").Value




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Message 5 of 6

I found out the solution!


I got sucess with:



Thanks so much for replying!


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Message 6 of 6