12-28-2021 09:14 AM
I have an hour worth of data that I want to find when temperatures stabilize. My criteria is no more than 2degres rise in temperature over 3 minutes. How can I break my entire run into 3 minute intervals and calculate temperature rise of each 3 minute intervals?
12-28-2021 04:45 PM - edited 12-28-2021 04:46 PM
We can help more if we have more information, of course. 😄
12-29-2021 09:27 AM
I collected several different temperatures at a sample rate of 1hz(1 second).There is no noise in the data. The temperature does not decrease over time.
01-03-2022 04:41 AM
Hi Minnesota_Man,
You can calculate the delta values of the temperature channel first.
Then open the channel event function
Then set the parameters:
Channel: Delta
Event function: Window
Time channel: Time
Lower limit: 0
Upper limit: 0.1 (in your case 2 degres)
Use the filter function with an interval of 120 s (or 180 s for 3 minutes).
And calculate it.
The result is the channel EventStatus, which indicates with the first value grater 0 the beginning of the stabilization.
01-05-2022 02:13 PM
What does calculating differences do? Whats the background calculation?
01-06-2022 12:25 AM
The function “Differences” calculates the difference between two consecutive single values in a numeric channel. With that you calculate the change of the temperature from value to value. If this change is below a limit (in your case 2 degrees) for a certain time (in your case 180 s) then the signal is stable. The function “Event Search” checks with the parameter “Window” whether the signal is below the limit and with the parameter “Filter“ when the time interval of 3 minutes is reached.
01-11-2022 02:22 PM
something does not seem right still since the are shown shows stabilization. < 2F in a 180 second window
01-12-2022 12:17 AM
Can you please provide this dataset? Then I can have a look at it in detail.