09-20-2007 11:20 AM
06-05-2009 06:56 AM
when running the MC Tank Demo HMI NavigationEngine Example, which uses the CCC I get the following error-message on the client side:
"Error -8701 occurred at CVT_Bool_TagList: Tag is not initialized.
This error code is undefined. No one has provided a description for this code, or you might have wired a number that is not an error code to the error code input."
Any ideas what's going wrong???
Kind Regards
06-05-2009 09:50 AM
Can you be more specific where this error is generated. This error is coming from the CVT (Current Value Table) and indicates that somewhere the application is trying to read or write a tag in the CVT which has not been initialized. (The CVT is used inside the CCC as well as the TAE and other VIs in this example.) All of the CVT tags are initialized in the main VI based on a list of tags read from the configuration file.
Can you dig into the VI a bit more and find where specifically the error is generated and what the name of the tag is that the application is trying to read?
One of the changes we are planning for the CVT to be published in a couple of months is to provide more detailed error information which will identify the missing tag name in this type of situation.
06-05-2009 12:41 PM
Hi Christian,
Thank you for the quick reply. The error occurs within the CCC VI for reading tags on the client side when it tries to read the status of the heater in that example. I probed the Name of the Tag inside the CCC VI and inside the CVT_Binary_Tag_List.vi. Interestingly on some occasions the CCC side probe says "Heater Switch" while the CVT side, which receives this value, delivers only "Heater" in the probe... This creates the error. Some kind of strange...
Kind Regards,
06-12-2009 11:10 AM
I'm using the CVT to read from Compact RIO modules and it works really well. However, I have not been successful writing to the output module. I suspect I'm making a simple mistake. Just to let you know, I have configured the AO-00 tags on both host and target in the tag editor to write and the AI-00 tags on host and target to read. Can someone spot my mistake and tell me what it is?
Here is a snippet of the code on the target:
I am using CVT double read on port AI0 to put the data into the tag AI-00. And CVT double write on AO0 from tag AO-00.
On the Host VI, I've got this:
CVT double read from CVT tag AI-00 to a double field on the front panel (numeric). CVT double write from double field on the front panel (numeric3) to the CVT tag AO-00.
Again, reading from AI works, writing to AO does not and I have configured the AO-00 tags on both host and target in the tag editor to write and the AI-00 tags on host and target to read. How can 1 work and not the other?