Ton Plomp, contact via PM on LAVA or
LVUG. LabVIEW User Group for the Netherlands
A debugging tool to quickly spot slow functions inside a while-loop iteration based state machine, this tool will tell you during runtime which of your iteration steps are relatively slow by calculating the statistics (mean, max, min) on execution time.
When you use a state machine that runs slower than expected it's sometimes hard to spot which of the states actually is the slow state. With this tool you can debug two common state machine architectures for slow states:
As you can see from the two examples both have an (unwanted) pause of 30 ms. in the third state. For a simple state machine it's not hard to find such an error. It can however be complicated if a state machine is called numerous times or the pause is only occuring in rare conditions.
This tool offers a VI you can connect to the iteration counter or the enum, it will keep track of the execution times of every state/iteration.
It returns the following details about every state:
Optionally it can show a pop-up which calculates the average time per state and allow sorting based on any column or export the data to the clipboard.
This tool has several VIs which show various techniques, I'll summarize and point to the specific code sections.
VI: contains a table which is set to 'Scale object with panel'
Advantage: the front panel consists of a single element which resizes with the front panel to hide other front panel elements.
VI: contains three feedback nodes (iteration, time and statistics) to keep track of data.
No need for a while-loop with shift registers, cleaner code with less nodes.
By giving the calling VI the option to show a dialog with the timing statistics it's possible to leave this code in your executable and decide when you want to show the actual statistics for debugging purposes
By using a Reentrant VI the Debug-tool can be placed at several locations without interfering with each other
The used table in the GUI is an XControl. To encapsulate all the code for table handling, it allows the Debug-tool to ignore any user interation with the table, those are dealt with in the XControl. The XControl is located at 'data\CM_SortableTable.xctl' and can be reviewed for the following techniques:
Since the table is not meant to be a control (users cannot enter data into the table), we enforce the XControl to be an indicator:
It can be hard to know what actions need to be taken with an XControl, by using a specific field in the XControl-state ability (Action), properties and method can give commands to the XControl-facade VI:
Some of the more complex codes sections are stored within a sub-vi. For example the calculation of the short-cut menu contents is done in a specialized VI. This allows the facade VI to stay simple.
The heart of this XControl is the possibility to sort on a specific column, this sorting is done with an OpenG function called Sort Array, this tool allows sorting based on a specific column and a direction (ascending/descending). By using Open Source code you can harness the power of well-known and tested libraries within your code.
The download contains a copy of the function, but if you want to use the tool (and other OpenG functions) within your code I advice you to install the full library.
Besides the OpenG sort function the XControl heavily uses parts of the JKI State Machine Toolkit (TM), this allows me to not worry about message handling and use a proven technique (code reuse).
The download contains a copy of the function, but if you want to use the JKI State Machine within your code you need to install the full library.
The table alters the short-cut menu based on the column that is selected to supply a well designed experience to the end user.
The following video shows an example of the code usage.
Extract the downloaded Zip-file to a location of your choice
The last iteration is not calculated nor included in the statistics.
Main Front Panel:
Main Block Diagram:
The following shot shows how you can use the VI inside your own code:
Possible extension of this code in future round could include:
The accompanied zip-file contains the Debug-tool (, a demo vi ( as well as all the Sub-VIs needed to use the Debug-tool.
Nice code!