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Is there a good resource for the various ways to test your code

I'm looking at the exam prep materials and it mentions some of the test will cover the following testing methods:


a. Functional testing
b. Performance testing
c. Stress testing
d. Usability testing
e. Regression testing
f. Configuration testing
g. Integration testing
h. Error testing


Is there any resource for learning about the differences between these testing techniques and what tools to use to perform these tests?

CLED (2016)
Message 1 of 5
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Message 2 of 5

I've heard the Unit Testing Framework is pretty fun.

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 5

I too would be interested in knowing if there is any place on the NI website where a person could get the definition of what National Instruments mean when they ask questions about them.  I've tried looking in the unit test framework online help and other places and so far nothing for information.  Hopefully someone is still looking at this thread and may come up with a good recommendation for place to look.  A white paper or something would be great.



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Message 4 of 5

Chapter 7 of the Core 3 Manual discusses this briefly in "Implementing a Test Plan."

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Message 5 of 5