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Kodos for LabVIEW 2011

For the past 1 month I am using the new version LabVIEW 2011 and I felt like posting my wishes and thanks to NI. The performance has really been improved in 2011 version.


* Am happy to use CTRL+Space which I always afraid of doing in LabVIEW 2009.


*Silver controls adds good look to my front panel.


*Easy to use the connector pane.


So I wish NI for their effort for making LabVIEW very handy.. All the best for the future version and expect more performance and features for the upcoming versions.



The best solution is the one you find it by yourself
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Message 1 of 3
Yea now I can't wait till they update the in development section of the idea exchange. When were the 2011 in development ideas announced?
LabVIEW 2012

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Message 2 of 3

@Steve Chandler wrote:
When were the 2011 in development ideas announced?

Well, it's fairly easy to do a search and see the answer is "early November" (example), but that doesn't necessarily mean anything.

Try to take over the world!
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