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XNET Error (0xBFF63131) (-1074384591)



I have an application that opens a CAN bus session and a FlexRay bus session. Which databases to be loaded and which frames to be used for Tx, Rx sessions is determined in a configuration file that the user creates.


The applications runs fine the first time. Without closing the UI, if we try to start a new test for the same configuration, we see an error:

XNET Error (Hex 0xBFF63131): Bad reference has been passed to a database function, e.g. a session reference, or frame reference to retrieve properties from a signal.


If we closed the UI and reopened it, the test would run fine.

Also, if we used only CAN bus communication and disabled FlexRay communication in the application, we can run any number of tests without having to close the UI each time.


Does this sound familiar? Has anybody seen such an issue before?


I have checked that I am closing all the sessions which I am opening in the application. There isn't any data on the bus after the first test stops.


Any suggestions and tips would be appreciated!

TestAutomation Consultant
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Message 1 of 5



One additional information, which I forgot in the earlier post:


This error always comes at Property Node: ClstRefs.


I take the list of Clusters in a database. The incoming Database reference is corrected, I have probed it and verified. During the first test, this property returns the list of clusters in the database file (CAN and FlexRay alternately) passed to it.


In the second test, this property returns the error.


I am trying to make a small vi independent of the project, to replicate this issue. Unfortunately, cant share the databases or the actual code due the NDA.




TestAutomation Consultant
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 5

Hi Freelance_LV


What versions of software ie.e. XNET are we using? Are we talking about "nxPropDatabase_ClstRefs" in the .NET Wrapper for XNET C API?


Are we sure we're completely overwriting the previous cluster and it's not in memory anywhere as the previous reference might show as invalid?


Could this be related to Known Issue 673342

673342 NI-XNET Interface and Device property nodes can return erroneous session handles. Workaround: Typecast the Interface or Device Session to an NI-XNET Session and pass it to XNET Clear.


If you do manage to isolate the issue in code let us know and we can look into this too.


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Message 3 of 5

Hi Rebecca


Thank you very much for the reply.


I am using XNET 17.5 with LabVIEW 2017. Its not the .Net Wrapper (Or I believe so).


I am using the Property node from Application palette of LabVIEW and wired a Cluster reference to it.


I can highlight and see that the cluster reference coming into it is correct, but the property generates the error. I have generated a separate VI which will only load different databases and list the clusters in each, within a FOR loop. for any order of CAN, Flexray databases this sample code does not generate error.


I see this error only in this project. I have the same VI called in a different project and in the same manner. I don't see this error there. The only difference between these two projects:


Project 1 - launch the database and start communication VI runs in parallel executions (1 for CAN, 1 for FlexRay). The same vi is called as a clone. It works here without issues. I can select database, start session, stop it, select a different database or the same one and start a new session.


Project 2 - launch database and start communication VI runs in a sequence (first for FlexRay, then for  CAN). Here I can select database, start session, stop it, but cant start it again without closing the application.


Any suggestions will be welcome.

TestAutomation Consultant
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 5

Hey Freelance_LV


Ah right! It was just the way it was written was the same format and I assumed!


There have been a few instances of that error when one of the signals has the exact same name as the frame except the signal is in lowercase but the message in uppercase. Could you check that is not the case?


Are you able to post the separate VI, section of project without database refs or snippet with the problem so we can have a clearer idea of whats happening?



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Message 5 of 5