05-08-2018 01:41 PM
The slot delay was set to 20ms via the LDF file. Updating XNET to 17.5 fixed the issue.
01-22-2019 02:08 AM
I am facing an issue with the same LIN frames. I have developed a code where I have to send a command to Controller and receive the response with respect to the Command integrating LDF file. But due to some reason i couldn't receive the data. Please can anyone provide me steps for configuring LIN using LDF file.
Thanks in advance.
Shravan Kumar Parakala.
01-22-2019 03:13 PM
It sounds like you need some general info on the LIN standard. There aren't exactly a set of "step" you can follow, it's somewhat dependent on your application.
Heres a few links with some info:
NI - http://www.ni.com/white-paper/9733/en/
Kvaser - https://www.kvaser.com/about-can/can-standards/linbus/
Vector - http://webpages.eng.wayne.edu/~ad5781/ECECourses/ECE5620/Notes/LIN_Protocol.pdf
01-23-2019 04:19 AM
Thanks for the response. But as I am aware of the LIN frame structures and other information on which these links you shared. and thanks for the links.
I have an LDF file from the client and loaded it in to the VI which i developed. But there i am not able to get a response from the controller when we send a command as per the STI document provided by the client.
I am not sure where am going wrong but the response is always Timeout error.
01-23-2019 04:22 AM
Here am attaching how I am assigning my LIN with respective LDF file provided.
please comment on it whether anything is wrong in the configuration.
01-23-2019 09:37 AM
Can you provide more details about what you are trying to do? Are you trying to communicate via diagnostic frames or a normal LIN schedule? Can you share the LDF database? What frame ID is your slave expecting a command from? Do you have a setup where the device works properly so that you can listen to the LIN communications and post a log of the expected traffic you want to create?
Given the limited information shared so far, I speculate that you need to use LIN diagnostics to send a command to the slave. You can try using the LIN Diagnostic Frames Master.vi shipping example as a starting point. It can be found in the example finder under the Hardware Input and Output -> LIN -> NI-XNET -> Advanced folder.
03-23-2023 07:40 AM
I tried to send multiple flow control(diagnostic) frame through single frame on vector driver using LIN protocol. I am not able to make logic
plz give me suggestion.
Thanks in advance