There is a VI in LabVIEW called �Date/Time To Seconds� that will take the time stamp data and convert it to seconds. This VI can be located by right-clicking on the block diagram and selecting Functions->All Functions->Time & Dialog->Date/Time To Seconds. I have attached a program that illustrates its use. LabVIEW provides other VIs to handle time stamp conversions to formats that are used programmatically in other instances.
You can also use the �Get Date/Time in Seconds� VI located in Functions->All Functions->Time & Dialog. Here is a Knowledge Base that discusses how to use this VI with spreadsheets:
�Date/Time Data�For further
assistance feel free to access the online support pages at From here you can search through our online Knowledge Base to come up with more examples and helpful discussions. If you have any other problems please post back. Thanks!
Craig H.
National Instruments