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Does anyone know how to use ELVIS in Labview to get current and voltage measurements?

Trying to use ELVIS in Labview to get measurements with a NI myDAQ.

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Message 1 of 5

I would start off by taking a look at our Introduction to NI ELVIS II, NI Multisim, and NI LabVIEW.


This is a good introduction to the three platforms and how to use them.  If you have any more specific questions though, please feel free to ask.

Matt J | National Instruments | CLA
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 5

I have been able to set up the VI using AI0 for my voltage reading and the digital multimeter for my current reading. I am using the DAQ assistant in order to get these readings from the myDAQ. I have it set up so voltage is being read in parellel and current is in series with the circuit, I am still getting a voltage reading but am unable to get a proper current reading, I checked the fuse and it is not blown. Is there something I could be doing wrong? I am using the data outputs from the DAQ assistant nodes as inputs for a formula node using the formula R=V/I for a resistance calculation but am unable to get a proper current reading in order for this function to work. Thank you in advance for any help. If I need to rephrase or add any info please let me know.

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Message 3 of 5

Can you post the VI you are working on so we can take a look at what you have so far?


At this point I am a bit unsure of how the ELVIS is being used.

Matt J | National Instruments | CLA
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 5

I have changed from using the ELVISmx driver as I was unable to call on the digital multimeter of the myDAQ twice, I have set up a VI using the DAQ assistant with the myDAQ, I am using the AI0 port for a voltage reading and using the DMM for my current reading, the circuit is working as I am measuring the voltage on a resistor after the ammeter but I am unable to get a current reading in order for it to work. If I have something wired wrong please let me know, thank you. My circuit is a 12VAC power supply, going through a potentiometer to drop the voltage to 8VAC, which passes through a resistor, ammeter is in series after this and attached to another resistor to complete my loop, the AI0 for my volt meter is connected across the second resistor, I have the proper voltage reading when I run the VI, but am unable to get a current input. Thanks for the help.

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Message 5 of 5