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how can i connect arduino nano with labview ?

i do have a project & i need help , i dont know how to connect labview with arduino nano to read the info , i have somthing but i dont know what it means ,  (urgent)

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 11

It seems that LINX has beta support for your device, so try that instead.

Message 2 of 11

im sorry , but what that sould be mean ? its my first time with labview 

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 11

@volcano59 wrote:

its my first time with labview 

Then you need to first learn LabVIEW (note the proper lettercase, it's not "labview"!).

There are plenty of resources on the page I linked. Did you click on the link in my previous post?


Here is more info about LINX.


Here are some useful tutorials.



Message 4 of 11

my mini-project is for detection of flames and movement, we useArduino nano (2 of them one with the captors and NRF) the other with the NRF and I need to get the information from Arduino to my interface in labview

ps: that my interface and the program that the teacher gave us , i dont know how it works  and i need help with that 

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 11

yes I did and I can't download it, (I do know the basics of the LABVIEW but the visa thinks and how to connect it with the Arduino, I can't figure it out)

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 11

that  what the teacher give us for the communication between LABVIEW interface and arduino

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 11

Tell your teacher to learn LabVIEW and logic first. That code is just a mess. All the "=true" and "=false" are pure Rube Goldberg. The code uses 100% CPU while doing nothing but wait for a button.


Please give your teacher the links I already gave you above. Thanks!


You cannot hurry this. Learn how to do it right!

Message 8 of 11

hh okay, thank you for every thing, and yes, I already told him that, don't worry (from now we should work alone until the presentation on 01/07) please can you give me an example of it? to know how can I do it and have the communication 

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 11

Sorry, I don't have much experience with Arduino.


I would recommend to ask over in the makerhub forum instead. There are boards for LINX and LabVIEW programming.

Message 10 of 11