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Deployed project does not run sequence

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I am using TestStand 2016 with Evaluation licence. 

I need to create an installer of a simple test system using TestStand Deployment utility.

I have a single workspace file with one sequencxe calling a dll written in c++; neither Labview nor LabWindows/CVI are used.

I have included in the installer the workspace, the Windows system32 dll and TestStand Runtime.
The build compiles with no errors.


When i run the installer setup.exe on my "test PC", a folder C:\Program Files\<My test System> is created with all necessary information. However, in the Start Menu there is not any TestStand icon, only the external utilities appear. There is no way to run the copied sequence.


- Is it possible to fully use the TestStand Deployment utility with the Evaluation licence?

- Can it be that the installation fails because I have no Base deployment licence in my "test PC"? In this case, is a demo licence available for deployed system? or I am forced to purchase one base deployment licence to test the correct functioning of my deployment? My customer needs to know in advance the feasibility of this point.

- Shall I use the deployment utility from the sequence editor or from the UI (user interfaces)?

- Is there any particular option that I should takeinto account?


Please find attached my .tsd file (zipped).


Thanks in advance for your help,

best regards,

Elena Bolzonella



0 Kudos
Message 1 of 8

Hello Elena,


The reason you cannot find TestStand is because the Sequence Editor is for developing test systems prior to deployment. When a Test system is deployed, it will run on the TestStand Base Engine which essentially is a framework/engine that a GUI application runs and automates.


What you will need to do there is develop a TestStand GUI Application. There are many examples on how to do this, what programming languages are you most familiar with? LabVIEW, LabWindows/CVI, VB or C#?


Additionally you will need a TestStand Deployment License for deployed systems.


Best regards,



Message 2 of 8

Hi Ed,

thanks a lot. So I can't deploy a workspace or a test squence, I have to create a GUI first and then include that GUI in the installer.

- Can I create the GUI using C++ only?

- Does the TestStand Base Engine icon appears automatically when the GUI is deployed? (I don't remember any such thing in my Windows menu when I tried to install the test sequence, but that's maybe because it was not a GUI...).

Thanks again,




0 Kudos
Message 3 of 8
Accepted by ElenaB



TestStand is an ActiveX Server. You require an application which calls into the TestStand engine. This application is called "User Interface" in NIs terminology regardless if you actually have a graphical display at all or how a graphical display might looks like.


TestStand development systems brings you 10 examples for GUIs, 2 different versions (Simple, Full-Featured) in 5 different languages (LV, CVI {NI C development system}, C++ (MFC based), VB.NET and C#) each. You should check on your development machine if one of these interfaces is suitable for you.

If it is, simply add the EXE version of that into your TS workspace for distribution purposes.

The icon of this EXE defines the icon shown in the task bar.

CEO: What exactly is stopping us from doing this?
Expert: Geometry
Marketing Manager: Just ignore it.
Message 4 of 8


Thanks for your help.

Now I've succeded with creating my installer including the TestExec.exe. 

The only open point is that I get the following error when I launch and execute my deployed sequence:


Access Denied.. Error writing to file 'C:\Program Files\My TestStand System\Deploy JR3\JR3 calibration sequence_Report[5 59 41 PM][1 25 2017].xml'.
The file might be open in another application. If file access is intermittently denied, you should try disabling the Microsoft FindFast utility.
Error Code:

-17205; Access Denied.

Step 'AddUUTReportAndSave' of sequence 'AddUUTReportAndSave' in 'ReportGen_atml.seq'


Of course the file isn't open, because it does not exist yet. 🙂

Can you help me please?

Thanks a lot,

Best regards,

Elena B.

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 8



there are a couple of potential sources for this behavior. The most likely is that you are trying to generate the report on the program files directory.

As of Windows 7, this folder (and its subfolder) is restricted for rather 'static' application files. These are e.g. the EXE itself, default configuration files and support files like ReadMe.

Custom configuration files should be placed in the program data folder or the folder of the Windows user.

In Windows 7 and newer, applications most often require administrative execution rights for modifying/adding files in the program files folder.


I recommend you to modify the installer as such that sequence files are NOT placed in the program files directory.

CEO: What exactly is stopping us from doing this?
Expert: Geometry
Marketing Manager: Just ignore it.
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 8

Hi Norbert,

sorry to disturb you again. Could you please tell me where exactly is the option to change the report destination folder?

At the moment I have changed the installation destination of my sequence to Desktop but the problem still persist...


Access Denied.. Error writing to file 'C:\Users\Public\Desktop\Deploy JR3\JR3 calibration sequence_Report[10 00 18 AM][1 26 2017].xml'


I attach my tsd file in case it can be useful to debug the problem.


Thank you 

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 8

The destination for the report is defined by the report configuration settings. Default setting is to store the report in the same folder as the sequence file.

AFAIK the Public Desktop has the same accessibility restrictions like the Program Files directory.


I recommend you to place the sequence files on a "neutral" place (e.g. C:\TestApplication\SequenceFiles) and to consider of the default report configuration makes sense for you use-case.

CEO: What exactly is stopping us from doing this?
Expert: Geometry
Marketing Manager: Just ignore it.
0 Kudos
Message 8 of 8