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Softmotion example in simulation

I am using LabVIEW 2014 SP1 with SoftMotion Module 2014 (version 14.1.2 reported in MAX). I have an issue when I run the FPGA code in simulation mode.


I've created a test project by using Create Project>> and selecting one of the SoftMotion examples as a starting point. I want to run the FPGA code in simulation on my computer, so I set its execution mode to Simulated I/O. I then open the host VI (in this case 9502 Brushless Servo (Pos Setpoint) - and run. As expected, the VI plots the random simulated positions from the FPGA, but after a few seconds the position remains constant. When I debug the FPGA code, it appears to have *stopped* at the FPGA loop timer code. I understand the usefulness in running the FPGA in simulation mode is limited, but I don't expect this behavior.


The project and VI files are in the attached zip file.


Does this behavior happen for others? Any insight as to why the FPGA simulation stops?



Thanks for your time - Chris
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Message 1 of 4

Hi cbl-amo,


I'll download this and take a look at what you are describing. In the meantime please also look over the link below for a good description on the process you are doing. This may help clear up some questions.



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Message 2 of 4

I'm back trying to do some FPGA simulation and ran into this problem once again. I reviewed the helpful link discussing simulation but I'm still confused by the behaviour I observe, which I only seem to encounter when I have SoftMotion code included on the FPGA.


It would be helpful for me to know if others are seeing the same behaviour with the code I attached earlier,






Thanks for your time - Chris
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Message 3 of 4



I experience the same issue using PWM vi ( It blocks simulation after amount of iterations (always different). I was disabling all the blocks of the code and finally found out that the problem is hidden in that particular block.

Actually, there is nothing special in it. So, the reason of simulation blocking is still unknown.


Was it solved in your case?


Thank you.


UPD: The issue was "solved". The simulation runs perfectly as soon as the panel of a PWM generation VI is open during the execution.

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Message 4 of 4