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How to get driver type of a device

How do I get the driver type of a given device? 


There is an example code in C# found at this location C:\Users\Public\Documents\National Instruments\NI-MODINST\Examples\DotNET4.0\ListDevicesConnectedToSystem\cs and it's an example where you specify the driver type and it gives you a list of devices connected that uses that driver. Is there a way to do the reverse where I specify the device name and provides me the driver installed and used by that device? Is this even possible?

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Hi Raffythegreat,


The NI-ModInst API allows you to query devices and their attributes that a specific driver supports. It was not designed to accomplish the inverse of this. That being said, you should be able to search for the device in question on the NI driver webpage to determine which driver(s) it requires. I hope this helps!

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