I'm running CVI 7.1 and have a question regarding the table control.
Since there are a lot of data we're trying to use the SetTableCellRangeVals function. I've done a lab with float numbers together with SetTableCellRangeVals and that works fine. Now I try to do the same with strings. I have changed the data type of the cells to string. I'm a little bit confused over the format of the string array. How should it be defined? With my code (see below) I can only update one cell. If I try to update several cells I get run-time error (argument too small). Can you help me with the correct definition of my data buffer?
Jonas Begström
Teleca Sweden West
+46 703 79 11 81
char buffer[10][10][10];
char *pBuffer;
pBuffer = buffer[0][0];
// columns defined in uir file
InsertTableRows (mPhoneBook.pbPanelHandle, mPhoneBook.pbControlHandler, cntRow, 1000, VAL_CELL_STRING);
. buffer is filled with data ...
// this works fine
SetTableCellRangeVals(mPhoneBook.pbPanelHandle, mPhoneBook.pbControlHandler,
MakeRect (2, 2, 1, 1), &pBuffer, VAL_ROW_MAJOR);
// run time error
SetTableCellRangeVals(mPhoneBook.pbPanelHandle, mPhoneBook.pbControlHandler,
MakeRect (2, 2, 2, 2), &pBuffer, VAL_ROW_MAJOR);