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why labview does not respond to control+'.' ?

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I see the issue both in development mode and in application mode.

the program responds to 'Abort Execution' button but not to control+period shortcut.

I verified that in Menu Editor-> Operate-> Stop the shortcut appears and I didn't configure and cusomized runtime environment.


What can be the issue?

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Message 1 of 6

Have you checked if English language is selected in your language bar? Sometimes that happen if for example Russian language is selected, or some other than English, if exists.





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Message 2 of 6

I'm guessing you're using Hebrew, where that key is /, ? and ., depending on language and shift modifier. In any case, that key should actually cause a maximization of the window. The key you want is the one next to it (ץ), which is the period key in English. There are a few keys which behave weirdly if you're in Hebrew mode, where it's not entirely clear whether LV looks at the scan code or the actual character.


In any case, you should generally not abort running VIs, not in development mode and certainly not in an EXE. It's preferable to stop them properly.

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Message 3 of 6
Accepted by topic author sara111

good guess :-). After investigating a bit further I see that the ctrl+'.' does function in "normal" VIs, but as my vi contains automatic mouse clicks it seems that it is moving out the focus from the VI therefor it will not respond to keyboard interupptions. 

I fully agree that the right approach is to stop properly the running and not breaking the run in the middle without an option to know exactly in which state is stop and execute some post process step. However, as the code is currently written in a way that is not enabling it, it will have to wait till someone has time to restructure it.


Message 4 of 6

Ah, I see I misunderstood the title. I thought you were using Ctrl+?. The period key does work correctly in both languages.


Anyway, while it's possible to do things like write a VI which will monitor the keyboard without focus and use VI server to abort all other VIs or set the focus back to that VI, this is probably a good point to say "either take the time to fix it or have the user select the window manually".


Also, you might want to join our user group. We haven't had a meeting in a while, but hopefully should be getting back on track -

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Message 5 of 6
Accepted by topic author sara111

For future developers who face the same issue that I had, i.e: control+'.' is not working in automated test as the vi lost focus due to mouse clicks outside the application window, I'm attaching the solution I've found, which works great for me.

To each application  I added the attached subVi. This subVI waits for either F2 click event, or some global boolean varaiable to be true.  when it gets it, it calls Invoke node, with AbortVI method.

The global boolean variable is set to true from the main vi, when it completes the test, so this subvi will not run forever.

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Message 6 of 6