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how to plot XYZ on a 2D graph

I have three columns of data, X (lattitude), Y (longitude) Z temperature,

how can I plot a graph as shown in the picture.

I tried the intensity graph, yet could not get the desired result, any hint is greatly appreciated. 

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Message 1 of 5
get the data of each colomn seperately. Build array ---> right click build array --> choose concatanate inputs.
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Message 2 of 5

The intensity graph is not exactly like your example,  The intensity graph takes an XYZ maxtrx (array ox X and Y size with values of Z)  you might beable to fake it out by setting all points along the long-lat path to their interpolated values and all else to zero.


You really want an XY graph with a color intensity key.  Since plots can not be different colors, this complicates things.



1.  use a multiXY plot making line segments to be different plots and the colors of the plots to match youe intensity scale.

2.  Use a 3d plot and view it from a birds eye view (making it 2-d) .  Probably easiest

3.  Make the plot in a picture control


I would try using the 3d line plot where there is the possibility of scaling the Z axis by color (I seem to recall an option to do this.


Paul Falkenstein
Coleman Technologies Inc.
CLA, CPI, AIA-Vision
Labview 4.0- 2013, RT, Vision, FPGA
Message 3 of 5

I need to overlay a map under the graph, I was wondering if I can still use the 3D plot and the bird view, it seems that I could not make the 3D plot background transparent.


could you give more details for the picture container option? thanks a lot

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Message 4 of 5
For the picture container option, use line secments between your long, and latitueds and scale the color of the line according to the value of the line segment.  You will have to impliment the scales if needed but I have done this before for vehicle tracking and a GPS unit so it should work.  You will have to est the picture zoom to account for the full long/latitude range.
Paul Falkenstein
Coleman Technologies Inc.
CLA, CPI, AIA-Vision
Labview 4.0- 2013, RT, Vision, FPGA
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Message 5 of 5