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differnt types (different shapes ) of wiper

hi.. everybody..

am making a simultor  to contol the ship's wiper remotely(through UDP protocol)


i have did that (its working well)... with the numerical indicator as a wiper.. but i have to control around 10 wiper ....

in ships those wiper's are in different shapes.. so i am unable to use same numeriacal indicator for all....

so i need difeerent types (different shape ) numeric indicator.. am using labview 2009...



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Message 1 of 18

Your question assumes that we know what a ship's wiper is.  Please give more information and we will be able to help you.  You may also want to post your current code and explain better how you want it changed.

Message 2 of 18

Smiley Happy


thaks for your reply...


here i have  attached my vi... in front panel it wiil  have one numaric indicator which is going to act as a wiper...


we have made one proto type  board using PIC18f97j60 microcontroller,which is going to send the data to my wiper simulator,,, once the data received it will start move according to the packet i received.. like that i have to make for 10 wipers...


actually in ship the wipers needle move 180 degree from top,bottom, left ,right.....         i can able to make, moving 180 degree from bottom.


i just want to customise that numaric controller.. for rotating that wiper needle from diferent position.... so i need different shapes of numeric indicator.



am using LabVIEW 2009

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Message 3 of 18

There is an infinite number of versions that are "different" so that word is meaningless. Can you be a bit more specific on how they should look like?

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Message 4 of 18

here i have attached............. 🙂

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Message 5 of 18

i have attached some more.....

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Message 6 of 18

some more.:) 🙂

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Message 7 of 18

Basically it sounds like you just want to learn about customising controls. See the attached... is that what you mean? (I can't open the vi that you attached in an earlier post as it is a more recent version than my LabVIEW)


In this case I didn't even really do any customisation.

Just set the background of a dial to be transparent . (Shift-right click, select paintbrush icon at the bottom of the menu, select the T at the top right corner of the colour box, left-click the background of the dial.)

Then rotate the numbers of the dial to the appropriate location. (Hover the mouse over the tick marks at either extreme of the dial range, the cursor changes to a sort of curly arrow, click and drag around as required.)

Dump the controls on top of an image pasted onto the front panel. You can make it as fancy or as basic as you wish.



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Message 8 of 18

Smiley Happyot it..

thank u so much .. i got it .....

and i have started making my own wipers..

🙂 🙂 🙂

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Message 9 of 18

Hi sir ,,,,


now i have new doubt...


we have to make one gyro Indictor using labview...


i have to kept the needle position of the indictor should be static ... the numbers around the indicator should rotate... is there any posibilities are there to make the  indictor like that...]


 please reply me....


am using LabVIEW2009.

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Message 10 of 18