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Labview or Xilinx gets stuck during FPGA compilation with no error

This is probably something dumb with my PC or configuration, but I dont see any similar posts, or maybe I am searching the wrong thing. None of the tutorials covered anything like this. I know some people who use labview a LOT and they have windows 8.1, so maybe I installed Labview wrong. I just don't know.


When I try and compile something, even something simple like a constant, the fpga compiler hangs. This is my program. I don't think there is a big error in it:My program.JPG

This is my PC, I got 32GB memory!


computer specs.JPG

And this is how far I get in my compilation. I let it go for like 2 hours before this but I canceled it to try "Rebuilding" again. No buttons I can press get further than this.




0 Kudos
Message 1 of 9

So I let it run all night and this morning. Finally after I guess 10 hours it stopped with this error:error msg.JPG

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 9

LabVIEW FPGA isn't supported on Windows 8 which is, I'm guessing, the root of the issue. It's explained in this white paper but the compilation tools aren't supported on Windows 8 which is a bit reason the FPGA module isn't.

Matt J | National Instruments | CLA
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Message 3 of 9

Like Jacobson mentioned, Windows 8 is not officially supported. However, most people have success if you run the installers using Windows 7 compatibility. A quick search of Windows or online help should get you there. Give that a shot and see if it fixes the issue.


Note, you'll want to uninstall the existing programs first.

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Message 4 of 9

I am having the same problem on windows 10.

On my laptop with windows 10 it is compiling fine, but on the NI PC its getting stuck now some reason. It was working fine previously.

I was setting up Jenkins since then so I tried reinstalling LabView and uninstalled some programs, but that didnt change anything so far.

Does anyone have a clue what could be causing this?

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Message 5 of 9

I am having the same problem on windows 10.

Though on my laptop the project is compiling fine, on our NI PC it's now getting stuck on synthesizing.

It was working fine before I did some more work on the PC, I tried reinstalling LabView.

Does anyone have a clue what could be causing this?

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 9

@FilipZZZ wrote:

I am having the same problem on windows 10.

On my laptop with windows 10 it is compiling fine, but on the NI PC its getting stuck now some reason. It was working fine previously.

I was setting up Jenkins since then so I tried reinstalling LabView and uninstalled some programs, but that didnt change anything so far.

Does anyone have a clue what could be causing this?

"Hijacking" two several-year-old Posts with a "similar problem but vastly different causes" is not likely to get you meaningful help.


Please start a new Post.  Describe as clearly as you can the problem you are having.  Be sure to give complete descriptions of (a) your PC (or PCs), (b) your OS (or OS's), (c) your LabVIEW installations (including all versions of LabVIEW installed, the bit-ness of each version, the version of the FPGA compiler, the relevant drivers), and possibly a screen shot of NI-MAX showing Devices and Interfaces and Software (on the Host and RT Target).


You describe software that works on your Laptop (describe!) but not on your "NI PC" (I didn't know NI made a PC!  Tell us about this!).


You mention "reinstalling LabVIEW and uninstalling some programs".  Describe what you did.  Did you do any "aggressive uninstalling", anything that involved messing with the Windows Registry?


Bob Schor

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Message 7 of 9

Thanks for the reply. I will do that.

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 9