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LabVIEW FPGA Compile Worker v 12.0.0 for Linux install failing

Installing LabVIEW FPGA Compile Worker v. 12.0.0 on Red Hat Linux.  I know that
the NI web site states it is only for RHEL 5.6.  Tried installing the LabVIEW
software on RHEL 6.4 and 5.9.  Running INSTALL on both operating systems
produces same error.  The problem occurs when INSTALL runs the command "rpm
-Uvh ..." to install the mono-addon-* RPMs.  RPM command failure states:

rpm: rpmReadSignature failed: sigh load: BAD

Command "rpm -qpvv" on RHEL 5.9 produces:

error: mono-addon-core-2.6.7-6.1.x86_64.rpm: rpmReadSignature failed: sigh
load: BAD
😧 May free Score board((nil))

Same rpm command on RHEL 6.4 produces:

😧 loading keyring from pubkeys in /var/lib/rpm/pubkeys/*.key
😧 couldn't find any keys in /var/lib/rpm/pubkeys/*.key
😧 loading keyring from rpmdb
😧 opening  db environment /var/lib/rpm cdb:mpool:joinenv
😧 opening  db index       /var/lib/rpm/Packages rdonly mode=0x0
😧 locked   db index       /var/lib/rpm/Packages
😧 opening  db index       /var/lib/rpm/Name rdonly mode=0x0
😧  read h#    1594 Header sanity check: OK
😧 added key gpg-pubkey-37017186-45761324 to keyring
😧  read h#    1596 Header sanity check: OK
😧 added key gpg-pubkey-fd431d51-4ae0493b to keyring
😧  read h#    1597 Header sanity check: OK
😧 added key gpg-pubkey-2fa658e0-45700c69 to keyring
😧  read h#    1599 Header sanity check: OK
😧 added key gpg-pubkey-0608b895-4bd22942 to keyring
😧  read h#    1600 Header sanity check: OK
😧 added key gpg-pubkey-baadae52-49beffa4 to keyring
😧  read h#    1602 Header sanity check: OK
😧 added key gpg-pubkey-6b8d79e6-3f49313d to keyring
😧 Using legacy gpg-pubkey(s) from rpmdb
error: mono-addon-core-2.6.7-6.1.x86_64.rpm: rpmReadSignature failed: sigh
load: BAD
error: mono-addon-core-2.6.7-6.1.x86_64.rpm: not an rpm package (or package
😧 closed   db index       /var/lib/rpm/Name
😧 closed   db index       /var/lib/rpm/Packages
😧 closed   db environment /var/lib/rpm

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 11

I believe this is a known issue with the mono libraries. You should be able to disable the readsignature check by using the --nosignature rpm flag.


Message 2 of 11

Thanks for the suggestion.


I added the "--nosignature" option to the INSTALL script on the line "RPMOpts=".  Also, I added "set -x" to the INSTALL script just after the first line to be able to watch what the script did and verify that it used the "--nosignature" option.  It used it.  The same errors occurs, though.  I also ran the rpm -qpvv command with the "--nosignature" option added, but on RHEL 6.4 that produces:


error: ./mono-addon-core-2.6.7-6.1.x86_64.rpm: rpmReadSignature failed: sigh load: BAD

error: ./mono-addon-core-2.6.7-6.1.x86_64.rpm: not an rpm package (or package manifest)


Running "rpm -qpvv" on RHEL 5.9 produces:


error: mono-addon-core-2.6.7-6.1.x86_64.rpm: rpmReadSignature failed: sigh load: BAD

😧 May free Score board((nil))


Before posting in this forum this morning I searched online for the "rpmReadSignature failed: sigh load: BAD" message.  One page that came up mentioned that since the command "rpm -qpvv" says, "not an rpm package (or package manifest)" that the rpm is corrupt.


Do you or anyone else have any other suggestions?

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 11

On RHEL 5.9 we have rpm package version, which according to the link for the mono* rpm package problem, we should be seeing the --chksig problem.  On RHEL 5.9 I manually ran the command "rpm -Uvh --nosignature mono-addon-core-2.6.7-6.1.x86_64.rpm".  That failed with the same "rpmReadSignature failed: sigh load: BAD" message.

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 11

hmm... I don't have a RHEL machine at the moment to try anything out, but assuming you're pretty familiar with Linux, you could just build and install from source. That should pretty effectively work around these rpm signature issues.


Message 5 of 11

Thanks.  That helped to get it installed.  I had to modify the installation script to not attempt to install the mono RPMs.

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 11

I am new to Linux, and have the same problem as you had.

Can I have a copy of your modified installation script, if you still has it?


Smiley Wink

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 11

I am bumping this thread. I am installing the compile worker on redhat 6.3 I am a newbie and I am getting the same error, I was able to install the worker by deleting the mono addons from the install list, but I when I try to run the worker it doesn't seem to rum. I am thinking perhaps it needs that other stuff

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 11

To anyone else having this problem. I couldn't install the the compile worker on RHEL 5.6 Kernel 2.6.18-398(this fails), it appears that the newer version for RPM is more strict when it comes down to signatures. The mono RPMs are needed as I tried installing the software without them and the compiler worker never fully functioned. I was able to get an older version of the kernel RHEL 5.6 Kernel 2.6.18-238(this works) released on 2011-01-13 and I was able to install the software without any problems, just follow the instructions that come with the tar, however during the installation process you do get a warning when it gets to the point of the mono installers. It looks l like NI needs to include a version of the mono RPMs that have a correct signature.

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 11

hello issacvega,


i have the same problem with signatures because i am working with RHEL 6.4 and you says that it works bit olders versions. but:


i want to install the compiler worker V14.3 that is compatible with labview 2013 and in the installation guide and here says "Linux OS – RHEL 6.3 64bit or later".


what can i do?




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Message 10 of 11