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Constructor of .NET class not available in LV 8.20

Well, are you also using any .NET generic features (is there a .NET generic in any of the public method/properties/constructors/events or are you derived from a generic type)? If so, please see my earlier response.

If not, it might be an issue with trying to load the assembly. Do you see the assembly in the list of known assemblies once the VI is loaded?

0 Kudos
Message 11 of 19

Thanks Brian,

Yes the C# was using the .NET generics.  I made an interface for it and now it works.  What I don't understand is why it worked in LV8.0.1 and not in LV8.20?  What kind of wonderful improvement was that?



0 Kudos
Message 12 of 19
Hi Brian,

just wanted to know if there's an update, patch, or tweak in the pipe that solves the generics issue? I'm working with LV 8.21 right now and the problem is still there, our generic .NET collection classes refuse to show their constructors in LV's constructor node.
I've done some investigation on the "workaround" you mentioned, which in fact boils down to a complete rewrite/duplication of our collections in a non-generic style - what means loads of work to me... As far as I can see, there is no easy way to hide the existing classes behind wrapper interfaces/classes without running into the mentioned problem again.

Any further idea, any help underway?

0 Kudos
Message 13 of 19
You stated that you are using 8.21 is this some sort of beta release that you are testing for NI?  I couldn't find it on NI website anyway.
0 Kudos
Message 14 of 19

Unfortunately, Brian no longer works for NI (he moved to MS recently, as you can see in his blog), so he might not be monitoring this email address, and so you might not get an answer.

At least you can hope that this was fixed after the 8.2.1 beta was released. Smiley Happy

Try to take over the world!
0 Kudos
Message 15 of 19
In the 8.2.1 beta I'm testing, it's not fixed so far and to be honest: I don't expect it will be soon.
Smiley Sad

I've read that Brian headed for MS on his personal homepage right after I wrote my post here.
Maybe there's someone else from NI staff following this thread, who's involved in the .NET corner of LabVIEW? The described problem with the type names length is a severe problem that affects any serious development. Avoiding generics in my .NET classes just because of LabVIEW was a huge drawback for our whole development.

0 Kudos
Message 16 of 19

Was there ever a patch released for LV 8.2.1 to resolve this issue?

I can see that it's fixed in LV 8.5 and always worked in LV 8.0, but we're lucky enough to be developing in 8.2.1 at the moment.




0 Kudos
Message 17 of 19

hi Scott


have you found a way to work around this issue. I am using 8.2.1 and labivew gives me an error of 1195 which requires .net 1.1. I already have this installed in my system.



0 Kudos
Message 18 of 19

@hakanka wrote:

hi Scott


have you found a way to work around this issue. I am using 8.2.1 and labivew gives me an error of 1195 which requires .net 1.1. I already have this installed in my system.



question posted here

0 Kudos
Message 19 of 19