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How can I make a command to calculate the average

I want to create a command in a script. I have different files with different number of measurements. So in one file I've got for example six variables and in another nine. I want to make a command so it can calculate the average of the variables, but I want to use this formula in a script, I cannot just say (R1+R2+R3....)/9 because of the different numbers of variables. Can anyone help?
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Message 1 of 5
Hello RAJH!
I like to help you but I do not understand your exact situation. Can you please tell me what kind of files do you have. Are these measurement data files (*.dat/*.tdm) or something else? You used both terms.
Matthias Alleweldt
Project Engineer / Projektingenieur
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 5

Hello Matthias,

Thank you for replying!

I am working with *TDM files. I am writing a script to automize a couple of calculations, because I have to calculate over a hundred files.The data acquisited are "time", "speed" and "distance". These measurements are recorded from braking tests un dry surface where the driver of the vehicle speeds up to 110 km/h and then starts braking. The data starts recording from 100 km/h till 10 km/h. For this I have written commands to find the distance travelled at 60 km/h and saved these as variables R. I used the formula:

R1=CHD(Find("'Speed 1'<60"), "Distance 1")

The problem is that some tests have 8 repeating measurements and other test have only 5. So in one file I accuire 9 different variables and in the other only 6. I have to calculate the average brakingdistance, but I want to do this with a command to put these averages in a tabel in the report.

Also a problem i have encountered is that I have repeated the formula above for the other Variables (R2-R9), but as i was saying some files only have 5 repeatings and therefore the program gives an error. It doesn't recognize "Speed 7" cause there isn't. Maybe you can help me solve this as well.









0 Kudos
Message 3 of 5
Hallo RAJH!
One approach is to use the RV1 real variable vector instead of the Rx variables. Then you can use L1 as a counter.
Dim i

' fill (demo)
L1 = 4
RV1(1) = 1.234
RV1(2) = 2.345
RV1(3) = 3.456
RV1(4) = 4.567
' calculate sum
R1 = 0
For i=1 to L1
  R1 = R1 + RV1(i)
' calculate average
R1 = R1 / L1
MsgBox "Average = " & str(R1,"ddd.dd")

Note: The maximum value count for RV1 is 15!

If this doesn't suits you have a look at the DIAdem FormulaCalc command. This command can calculate expressions from a string.


Matthias Alleweldt
Project Engineer / Projektingenieur
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 5

OK thank you very much, this helps a lot!



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Message 5 of 5