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LabVIEW 8.21

Any information when the LabVIEW 8.21 would be available and what are the key improvements and bug fixes?
I hope that XControl bugs and LV Run-Time engine installation restrictions are on the list...
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 20

It is shipping now.

See this thread on LAVA for a discusion and a link to the realease notes that now includes a Bug Fix list!


Retired Senior Automation Systems Architect with Data Science Automation LabVIEW Champion Knight of NI and Prepper LinkedIn Profile YouTube Channel
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Message 2 of 20
Interesting, where is LabVIEW Run-Time 8.2.1?
On the NI website still only 8.2 is available...
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 20
It seems that LV 8.2.1 is available for download at NI ftp server


Tomi Maila
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 20
Hi, Tomi,
Yes, I've got LabVIEW 8.2.1 already from NI ftp server. But I talking about Run-Time. MSI Installer for Run-Time is part of LabVIEW, but I prefer to have Run-Time in "executable format".
Ususally Run-Times located here:
And here only 8.2 from Aug'06...
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 20
I got the CDs in the mail yesterday with the new driver discs as well. If you're a service program customer, you should be getting it soon. I haven't installed it yet, though. It looks like it's just bugfixes that don't affect me. Here is the info page on NI about the new version.
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 20

Good morning everyone,

I'll look into the LabVIEW runtime, in the meantime if you are installing 8.2.1 on top of 8.2 (i.e. without uninstalling 8.2 first) there is a known issue with this process that will require a very easy fix.

Please accept our applogies for this problem, and enjoy the 8.2.1 release which contains close to 150 bug fixes!

Travis M
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 20
Hi, Travis,
Thank you for this important reply.
I haven't install 8.2.1 yet, but have read bug fix list, and already fully enjoyed!
Looking forward for Run-Time 8.2.1.
Another Question:
Is Driver CDs and Toolkits CD from 8.2 "compatible" with 8.2.1? Or, better wait for quarterly upgrade (haven't received yet)?
0 Kudos
Message 8 of 20

Good question.  The toolkits should be just fine with 8.2.1, though some toolkits “revved” for 8.2.1 to include some bug fixes.  Modules (such as the Simulation Module and the RT Module) will need to be reinstalled for 8.2.1.  I’m not sure about all the drivers, but I think anything that worked with 8.2 will probably work with 8.2.1.  Though, I can’t comment officially on that, you can check out the bottom “drivers” section of the 8.2.1 Compatibility, Bug Fix, and Upgrade Information page for our list of drivers compatible with 8.2.1.  If you aren’t using Vista, I’d just install the TKs that contain updates, if you are upgrading to Vista, I’d uninstall all NI SW, upgrade your OS, and then begin installing all the latest Vista-compatible software.




Thanks for the great questions, be sure not to forget to run the fix linked above.

Travis M
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 9 of 20

Thanks to all for rapid answers about the update. It seemed that time to ask about 8.2.1 was just perfect! Smiley Happy

Bug fix list is really amazing and I'm looking forward to get my 8.2.1 (and run-time engine also) installed!



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Message 10 of 20