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Peak power / idle power for WSN-3202 end node

On the specs for the WSN-3202, I see an estimated average power for sample rates of 1 per second and 1 per 60 seconds. What is the actual peak power for transmission (or energy required and time to transmit) and what is the idle or offline average power? I need to calculate the power needed for a variety of different sample rates.
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Hey Jason,


For sample rates over 1 minute, you are not going to see power savings.  After a minute of inactivity, the node will wake up and send a 'keep alive' message to the gateway.  This functionality also gives the node a chance to recieve any updates that are trying to be sent to the node (Digital Output/User Messages/Configuration Changes/Firmware Update).  There is currently no way to adjust this timer.  For sample rates above one minute, I would follow power guidelines listed in the manual for 1 sample/ 60 seconds.


I'll answer your other question in the other thread.

Please let me know if you need additional information.



Message Edited by Kevin_H on 10-08-2009 12:32 PM
National Instruments
WSN/Wireless DAQ Product Support Engineer
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