Volume License Manager and Automated Software Installation

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Downgrade License manager 4.7 to 4.3

Hi, I have a problem with license Server and Manager compatibility. 


We have an older version of Volume license server and I am not able to get an license from this server even I can see the licenses. 

Somebody told me that my NI License Manger version 4.7 is not compatible with older license server.


How can I downgrade my License Manager 4.7? (Other colleagues has License Manager version 4.3 and this version is working)  

The manager is not possible to download from NI websites. 


Thank you

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I can confirm that different versions of NI License Manager are not compatible with some older versions of NI Volume License Manager. You need to use NI Package Manager to remove or downgrade NI License Manager. However, if License Manager 4.7 was not installed to the machine by itself, then it is likely that another product on the machine installed it as a dependency package/product. If that is the case, then you'll need to remove or downgrade that product before you are able to remove or downgrade License Manager. If the above is true, and you need to use the newer version of a product that depends on License Manager 4.7, AND you need to use a volume license, then you can: - Bring this topic up to your Volume License Administrator (whoever is in charge of NI Volume License Manager on the server) and let them know about the incompatibility you are facing, requesting that they update NI Volume License Manager to a newer version. - Request a disconnected license from the Volume License Administrator from the appropriate volume license. Since your NI License Manager cannot communicate with NI Volume License Manager directly, then it might require the Volume License Administrator to manually add your user and computer information into NI Volume License Manager in order to checkout a disconnected license for you to use. - Alternatively to both of the above, you can work with NI, or whoever in your organization that negotiates sales and orders with NI, in order to see about getting a single-seat serial number to use for local license activation in place of volume licensing.
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