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Trigger MSO on FGEN start using Python

I am trying to trigger the MSO channels using the FGEN. Using the Virtualbox software, that can be done by choosing FGEN start under miscellaneous channels.

But how can I do this programmatically using python?

I am using 

So far I have just been using auto_setup()  ( around line 961), which sets the trigger to auto.

I think using configure_analog_edge_trigger() (line 1029) should work, setting the correct trigger_source.value. But which one is that?




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Message 1 of 3

With the caveat that I have not personally used the python API, based on my knowledge of this instrument, I would expect `configure_digital_edge_trigger` to be the function you'll want to use, with the `FGEN_START` source.

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Message 2 of 3

This throws an error of the form


Invalid channel name

requested value fgen_start

allowed values mso/d0:31, mso/clk0, mso/clk1


in the virtualbox interface, the fgen_start trigger appears under the "misc" category (neither "oscilloscope" nor "digital I/O"...)

It seems to belong to neither category?

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