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read file.ini in workspace

hi to everyone,

so i have a question: i created a custom control for the workspace of veristand by is working, but if i add to read string from file (read spreadsheet, config drivers, etc) it will be broken in the workspace. some one know which is the problem?

Thank you veru much in  advances


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Message 1 of 3

Hi Mauro,


it's quite difficult to help you without seeing a piece of code but:


1st: what do you mean by "broken"? does it load correctly? is the behavior unexpected?

2nd: do you get any error during the execution in the workspace?

3rd: do you use an absolute path to access you config file?

4th: do call any SubVI you have created in your custom control? In this case you may want to create a source code distribution. The sources of the NI VeriStand Add-on - Configurable Custom Control Reference Example will provide you a nice exemple to do so.


Have a good day,


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Message 2 of 3

Hi florent,

1st: what do you mean by "broken"? does it load correctly? is the behavior unexpected?

Answer. when i take a custom control from workspace control it is not working and the is this error:


Error 1003 occurred at >> sub_Launch >> Launch Asynchronous VI by >> sub Launch Asynchronous

Possible reason(s):

LabVIEW: The VI is not executable. Most likely the VI is broken or one of its subVIs cannot be located. Select File>>Open to open the VI and then verify that you are able to run it.
NI VeriStand: Broken VI: Synoptic -
Missing subVI Read From Spreadsheet File (string).vi in VI Synoptic -



2nd: do you get any error during the execution in the workspace?

Answer: it is impossible to execute it because it is impossible to open in the wokspace


3rd: do you use an absolute path to access you config file?

i use an absolute path


i hope you can help me

if you want i can send you my vi.



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Message 3 of 3