11-07-2011 03:48 AM
i have a simulink model that i would like to test with VeriStand. This model has several inputs and outputs, and this are custom defined buses.
If i import mdl file of this model, Veristand did not recognize input and output buses at all
if i compile my model for Veristand Target, Veristand recognize the inputs and outputs but no as buses.
Some ideas how i can use my input/output buses?
thank you!
11-07-2011 08:54 AM
This is a known limitation of the VeriStand code generation process. VeriStand will currently interpet a bus signal as an array of values, one value for each element in the bus.
A workaround is to create a top-level model wrapper with individual model inports and outports that packs these into the inports bus, calls the sub-model, then unpacks them from the outports bus.
11-14-2011 02:45 AM
thank you!
the workaround works!