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FPGA and Scan Engine Deployment Error

Looking for a solution or automated work-around for this issue:

I am using Veristand 2020R4 and a cRIO-9045 with 1 card in FPGA mode and the rest in Scan Engine mode.  After a reboot, and I try to deploy I get error "The chassis is in Scan Interface programming mode.  To load FPGA bitfiles, go to the Controller properties page in System Explorer and change the FPGA / Scan interface mode to FPGA Mode."  Error -61201.


I just have to do what the error says, change Controller from Use Current to FPGA Mode, and deploy again.  After that I get this error as expected:

"There was a mismatch between the modules configured in the system definition and what was detected on the target system."


The cards are all changed to FPGA mode during deployment, so then I have to change then in NI-MAX to the appropriate mode, and then set the controller properties in Veristand back to Use Current.

NI acknowledges the bug, just wondering what can be done?


Greg Hahn
Sr. Hardware In the Loop Firmware Engineer - CLD
Milwaukee Tool -
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