USRP Software Radio

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USRP-2920 (Error -1074118641

I am using an USRP-2920 for for TX tests.. I need to run 100K iterations and each iteration I send a modulated signal from the USRP 4 times


It seems after approximately 200 iterations I get the following Error:

Error: -1074118641 occurred at niUSRP Write TX Data (CDB WDT).vi


Possible Reason(s):

Packet Loss within a burst



I was wondering if there was a buffer that can be cleared in the USRP or if it might be something else.  I do have the niUSRP Write TX Data (CDB WDT).vi input set to true for End of data



Jeff D.

Certified Architect LabVIEW Champion DQMH Framework

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Message 1 of 4

Hi Jeff,

How are you connecting to the USRP-2920 (i.e. directly to a laptop or through a switch)?  The only other time I've seen this error, it was system dependent.  Do you have another computer that you can try to see if this is the case?  I'll see if I can find out if there's a buffer that you can clear.

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Message 2 of 4

It is direct connect. I found a link explaining it could be the IQ Rate.. I have adjusted that and it seems to help, so working on that at the moment to see if it can get better

Jeff D.

Certified Architect LabVIEW Champion DQMH Framework

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Message 3 of 4

Here are some tips for maximizing data throughput for Tx (which will help avoid underflows and packet loss errors)

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Message 4 of 4