I'm working with an USRP 2954R for a while now. I'm using the "160MHz Single-Device Streaming" template example to interface with device. Everything works, but the RX/TX LED never turns on even when I'm actually receiving/transmitting data.
I found this "answer" https://knowledge.ni.com/KnowledgeArticleDetails?id=kA03q000001DjQyCAK&l=en-CA, but it only tells me that I can program the LED in the FPGA.
Fine, I open the fpga code and I find that there is a subVI called "LEDs.gvi". This is what I found inside:
It is clear that I need to include the LEDs of the RX and TX. So, I replicated the code from the REF Clock to include the RX and TX, but I encounter a problem where I can't define which antenna is activated. I can only check which channel is enabled but I can't determine which antenna is used, e.g., RX1 or RX2. Also, I can't figure out how to make the LED turn red, because the transmitter should light in red.
Anyway, I would love to hear from someone who managed to get the LED to light appropriately. BTW, if you are also facing the same problem, then please comment about it here. If we get a lot of people discussing this, NI might address this issue. I say this because apparently someone before me already brought this topic in 2018, and he never got an answer (very disappointing 😥) https://forums.ni.com/t5/USRP-Software-Radio/USRP-2943R-Rx-Tx-LED-off/m-p/3792258#M4293