07-01-2014 04:47 AM
I am getting following error with many vi's I have worked with.
Underflow: the Tx buffer was emptied before new data was provided. Consider reducing the IQ rate, increasing the Write rate, or increasing the number of samples per Write.
I randomly try to change IQ rate and other parameters because I really don't understand what this error means.
Please help.
08-21-2014 03:02 PM
The underflow error means that the device was expecting samples at a particular rate and the host was not able to provide them at that rate. One common case where such an error could happen is when you configure to send small number of samples at a relatively high IQ rate which causes the effective rate of transfer to be low due to the overhead associated with each write Tx data call. Hence as the error sugests one can do the following to get rid of the underflow.
11-01-2014 06:37 PM - edited 11-01-2014 06:42 PM
Could someone please answer these 4 small questions about avoiding the underflow (or at least some of them):
1) How does one increase the number of samples per write? Where is this done and what are best practice values?
2) What is the absolutely largest possible (but safe) value of "FastSendDatagramThreshold"=dword:XXXXXX that I can set for increasing the write rate for data?
3) I have also changed the sample width for 16bit to 8bit. Does this have any negative effect on my transmission, such as precision or something?
4) With the value under 2) set to 2400 HEX and 8-bit sample width, I still cannot achieve a stable transmission with the IQ rate of 8 MS/sec. Not only that I have buffer underflow after 2 minutes, but the value is also coerced to 7.69 MS/sec.
I am using NI USRP-2921 and I have also set my power options on the laptop to 'high perfromance'.
Thanks a lot for your time,
11-01-2014 08:08 PM
11-02-2014 06:30 PM
Hey ErikL,
Thanks a lot for your reply. Can you also please clarify these 2 small issues:
1. you wrote 'increasing tx buffer depth to its maximum in the driver helps'. How do I do that?
2. you recommended me to use desktop PC. If I get a fairly decent desktop PC, do you think that 8 MS/s is realistic to achieve? My VI is an upgrade of one of NI example VI's, and I don't think my modifications were so heavy that they could deteriorate the performance substantially.
11-03-2014 09:18 AM
1) The number of samples per write is simply the size of the array that you pass to niUSRP Write VIs. It writes all of the samples that you give it. It's better to call Write fewer times with larger arrays than many times with smaller arrays.
3) Yes, if you change the Sample Width to 8-bit you will get better streaming performance but drop some resolution in your samples. You can make sure to transmit the most significant samples using the Expected Peak attribute. For more information, see the example niUSRP EX Tx Customize Write Type and Sample Width.vi that ships with the driver. And there is good documentation about these attributes in the NI-USRP Help.
4) For the 2921, the sample rates are 100 MS/s divided by an integer N. If N = 12, you get 8.333 MS/s. If N = 13, you get 7.69 MS/s. That's why you can't get exactly 8 MS/s.