UKTAG – UK Test Automation Group

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UKTAG Meeting 7 - Presentation and Videos

Hello All,


This meeting was held on the 28th of May 2021.


YouTube Videos:






Presented by

BST: 13:00 – 13:10

Welcome and Introduction

BST: 13:15 – 13:55

Introduction to Workers™ for LabVIEW 

Presentation | Video

Workers is a new application framework for LabVIEW that combines the classic QMH design pattern with the power of LVOOP. This presentation will present the main features of the framework and support tools, and provide a short demo how to create a Workers application. Peter Scarfe (CLA), Scarfe Controls

BST: 14.00 – 14:40

Implementing a Python HAL using PyMeasure and TestStand

Presentation | Video

This presentation illustrates a concept how to create re-usable Python libraries to remote control instruments using PyMeasure and NI Python libraries. Since the diversity of existing Python libraries is quite huge, we decided to go for simple hardware abstraction layer and embed the Python code into TestStand using virtual Python environments.

The purpose of this is to have a practical example and exercises for seminars at the System Test Engineering master degree programme of the university of applied sciences – FH JOANNEUM, which has a well-equipped test and automation laboratory with various different measurement instruments from different vendors (NI, Keysight, TTi).

Wolfgang Rominger (CLA, CTA, LabVIEW Champion) and Gabriel Moik of FH JOANNEUM Graz

BST: 14:40 – 14:55


BST: 15:00 – 15:40

Introduction to MQTT Messaging

Presentation | Video

This presentation is a quick introduction to the MQTT protocol and present an all-LabVIEW open source implementation of MQTT Broker-Client libraries. The presentation will then go through a couple demos featuring LabVIEW and Python MQTT clients to establish communication with an instrument acting as an MQTT server.


Francois Normandin, (CLA, LabVIEW Champion) of DESIM Consulting

BST: 15:45 – 16:25

What's new in LabVIEW Task Manager

Presentation | Video

This presentation will introduce the free, open source and community developed "LabVIEW Task Manager"; which delivers new comprehensions into your running code, and interacting with individual or groups of VIs. The presentation will also cover some changes since the tool’s last public appearance in NIWeek 2017, followed by a live demonstration.

Product Page:

Ravi Beniwal (CLA), Binary Palette

Tim Vargo

BST: 16:30 – 17:00

Live Test Automation Quiz

Live multiple choice quiz on LabVIEW and TestStand Topics.

Winner: $25 Amazon Voucher

2nd: $15 Amazon Voucher

3rd: $10 Amazon Voucher


CLA CTAChampionI'm attending the GLA Summit!
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Message 1 of 3

Can someone please post the video

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Message 2 of 3

All the videos are now available on YouTube (links are in the agenda above)

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Message 3 of 3