[Update] XControl available here [Update]
This a demo of a XControl developped to improve user interface that need string fields to be fill-in by user.
This can help you to have self-documented UI.
You can configure a place older string that will give an example of the data required.
If the string control is empty, the placeHolder string is displayed.
When the control get the focus, the place holder is hided and user could type is own text.
if the user erase his text the placeholder is displayed again.
This small video demonstrate the behavior of PlacHolder String and you can download the demo EXE (LVRTE 2010 required).
This is really nice. Can you provide the XControl code as well?
This XControl will be part of futur free toolkit --> https://decibel.ni.com/content/groups/saphir-toolkit/blog/2011/09/28/new-free-toolkit-available-soon
I hope to be able to release it quicly. Don't hesitate to recall me to release it
More seriously, I have to add some documentation and example before the release, so... be patient.
Excellent news! I took the time to familiarize myself a bit with SAPHIR after your response.
I look forward to the initial release.
Free toolkit including this XControl is now available here --> https://decibel.ni.com/content/docs/DOC-21668