Four services that don't work in NI SystemLink Services Manager,I don't know what the problem is, and don't know how to troubleshoot it.
There is no system-managed content on the SystemLink service page
Can anyone take a look at it? Thank you
These problems were resolved when I switched to a better equipped computer.
I don't know if that's the solution, though.
Looking at the Skyline\log.txt file it looks like there is some sort of failed data migration. Did you recently install an upgrade and what version of the server are you currently running? My recommendation would be to check in NI Package Manager on the Upgrades tab to see if there are any patches available that you haven't installed yet.
Thank you for your reply. It has been updated recently. The version has been updated from 19.0 to 20
My assumption is that there is something in your Systems Management job history database that is causing the upgrade to fail. To work around the issue you will need to drop the job collection in Mongo.
I would recommend downloading and installing Robo Studio 3T on your server.
Open the configuration file from "C:\ProgramData\National Instruments\Skyline\Config\SystemsManagement.json" and use the Mongo port, database, username, and password stored in that file to connect to the database using Robo Studio 3T.
You can then use Robo to export the job collection as a mongo dump, which would be great if you could send me so that we can look and see what is causing the problem and then you can drop the collection and restart your server.
I am sorry that I returned the computer with the problem to the IT department before I saw this solution.The IT department has finished reinstalling the system, so the problem cannot be repeated.