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Using NI SystemLink Test Monitor Client Results Processing with Existing TestStand Environment File

I'm looking for some support on adding SystemLink Test Monitor Client results processing to an existing project.


Our TestStand Environment file follows Using a TestStand Environments File KB and overrides the CommonAppData and Public options to folders in our test software configuration files. Only the Public matters for this, I’ll call it <Test SW Public Directory> from now on. We use our own results processing sequence in <Test SW Public Directory>\Components\Models\ModelPlugins\ so that folder must be overriding the <TestStand Public Directory> equivalent folder. I noticed after installing SystemLink that the install adds files to the <TestStand Public Directory>\Components\Models\ModelPlugins\ equivalent folder, but I need them in my <Test SW Public Directory> because it overrides.


I copied the NI_TestMonitorClient folder and sequence file from <TestStand Public Directory>\Components\ModelPlugins\ in the screenshot below to <Test SW Public Directory>\Components\Models\ModelPlugins\.




When I copy the NI_TestMonitorClient folder and sequence file to the new location, I get this error when I try to open Results Processing. It seems related to Step 2 of this KB, but the steps were confusing and did not look finished. The steps in the error are pretty self-explanatory though.



I opened all sequences under <Test SW Public Directory>\Components\Models\ModelPlugins\. NI_TestMonitorClient.seq was the only one that showed it was modified. I saved it, was asked if I wanted to save a backup, and clicked No. Then I opened Results Processing, it opened correctly and showed the NI Test Monitor Client as an option in results processing.


Note: I did also get an error that it couldn’t find the icon for the NI SystemLink Test Monitor Client results processing sequence, so I copied <TestStand Public Directory>\Components\Icons\NI_TestMonitorClient\TestMonitorClient.ico to <Test SW Public Directory>\Components\Icons\NI_TestMonitorClient\TestMonitorClient.ico. I also copied <TestStand Public Directory>\Components\TypePallettes\NI_TestMonitorClientTypes.ini to <Test SW Public Directory>\Components\TypePallettes\NI_TestMonitorClientTypes.ini for good measure, that has the steps to attach additional files to the report object in SystemLink.


Everything opens with no errors in edit-time, but I have not connected to a SystemLink server yet so I don't know if I included everything necessary. Am I missing anything important? Is there a better way to do this for a project with an existing separate public directory used in TestStand Environment files? For a new project, the best steps would probably be to copy everything from <TestStand Public Directory> after the SystemLink install and that would include everything, but having trouble adding functionality to an existing project. 


Chris Daughters
System Integration/Test Engineer
LabVIEW / TestStand / CVI / SystemLink / PXI
Message 1 of 4



Thanks for the details steps. I believe you took all the necessary steps to merge the public directories.


Unfortunately, with the TestMonitor plugin being installed to the public directory, you will have to merge with an existing environment. As you suggested, creating the environment from the installed public directory would have been easier, but that's not your situation.


Keep in mind that the files in your environment will have to be kept in sync with the TestMonitor installation if you upgrade or have different versions on different systems.

National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 4

Thanks D_Biel for the response! I installed Systemlink 2022 Q1 Patch 2 (latest I could find). You're saying if I install for example the Q2 patch when it comes out, I would need to repeat the steps?


These manual steps only apply to test systems that use the Public Directory override in a TestStand Environment File AND have custom results processing sequences in <Test SW Public Directory>\Components\Models\ModelPlugins\. We tried it with the example .tsenv file attached to Using a TestStand Environments File KB and it correctly found the SystemLink Test Monitor Client in results processing because the Demo Public Directory doesn't have folder <Demo Public Directory>\Components\Models\ModelPlugins\ (assuming it goes to TestStand Public Directory to fill in the blanks?).


These would would be the steps in order:

  1. Install TestStand
  2. Install SystemLink
  3. Set TestStand Environment File
  4. Copy the NI_TestMonitorClient folder and sequence from <TestStand Public Directory>\Components\ModelPlugins\ to <Desired Public Directory>\Components\Models\ModelPlugins\
  5. Open the copied NI_TestMonitorClient.seq file
  6. Save, and when asked to save a backup choose "No"
  7. Copy <TestStand Public Directory>\Components\Icons\NI_TestMonitorClient\TestMonitorClient.ico to <Desired Public Directory>\Components\Icons\NI_TestMonitorClient\TestMonitorClient.ico
  8. Copy <TestStand Public Directory>\Components\TypePallettes\NI_TestMonitorClientTypes.ini to <Test SW Public Directory>\Components\TypePallettes\NI_TestMonitorClientTypes.ini
  9. Follow the steps from Integrating Test Monitor with TestStand
Chris Daughters
System Integration/Test Engineer
LabVIEW / TestStand / CVI / SystemLink / PXI
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 4

Yes, that is correct. You would want to watch the "NI SystemLink Test Monitor Support for TestStand 20xx" package version to see if it was upgraded. That is the package that installs the model plugin. A SystemLink Client patch may not necessarily upgrade that sub-package.

National Instruments
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Message 4 of 4