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PXI 2720 : Conection for Multi chanels

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I am implementing the setting multiple channels with different resistance at the same time. 

It is fine to use "2720 Soft Panel" to set them but I could not find the way how to set up on my own Labview program by using 272X reference VIs.


For example, I would like to set up chan0 (80 ohm), chan1(120ohm), chan3(100ohm) etc.

I tried to one channel at once. That makes to give the unsettled new resistance...  


Is it possible to set them by using 272X reference VIs?

Should I use the fuction "Ni272x palett -> advanced -> ni272x Relay control multipe" for implementing them?


Thank you,




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Message 1 of 4

I think I get it by connecting one channel to the other channel.


Thank you. 

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Message 2 of 4
Accepted by topic author momo2013

Hello Insuk,


The NI-272x Resistance.vi Example is a good example of how to set a single channel - to set multiple channels, just call the ni272x Write Resistance 1Chan 1Samp.vi for each channel you wish to set.


Make sure you also connect each channel to the DUT Connector to connect it to the front panel when you need to use it.


Here's a snippet that should set multiple channel resistances and connect those channels to the front panel DUT Connector:



note: you can set the resistances without connecting to the DUT/DMM connector and then only connect to the DUT/DMM connector when necessary.  I noticed that the "272x Soft Front Panel" doesn't display the resistance for the channel if its not connected to a connector - the above snippet should display the correct resistances in the 272x Soft Front Panel, but will also connect each channel to the front panel.  Be sure you want to do this before running the snippet.


Be sure you aren't opening and closing the session each time you call the Write Resistance VI, doing so could cause you to reset the device every time, which would reset all the other channels.


momo2013 wrote:

I tried to one channel at once. That makes to give the unsettled new resistance...  

I don't understand what you mean by "That makes to give the unsettled new resistance..."  if the above snippet doesn't work, can you elaborate on what is happening.


 - Marshall G

National Instruments


Message 3 of 4

Yes! you are right. That's what I found out and worked.


Using 'For loop...' is brilliant implmentation instead of conneting one by one.   


Thank you so much!!


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Message 4 of 4