Basic framework to the use USRP2900 as a receiver (RX), with all the necessary parameters to control the HW from the SW. Useful to start the implementation of any receiver from scratch on USRP2900 platform.
USRP 2900
LabVIEW Communications System Design Suite 2.0
PC host / Window7 SP1
1. Plug the NI-USRP 2900 to the host (USB3)
2. Launch NI-USRP Utility and check USRP2900 conexion to the host
3. Launch LabViEW Communications System Design Suite 2.0
4. File/New/Project
5. Navigation Pane : Untitled Project -> right clic + Add File...
6. Add File : rx_template_usrp2900.gvi
7. Run (0 errors, 0 warnings)