I have NI-USRP 2920, this USRP has daughter board "WBX 50-2200 MHz Rx/Tx". So first of all I want to know can I replace this existing daughter board with LFTX and LFRX daughter boards or not? Is it completely compatible with the main board of USRP 2920 or not? Secondly, If I replace the existing daughter board with LFTX nad LFRX daughter boards will my USRP-2920 works with NI-LabView or not?
Please advise.
Hi Joseph,
Yes, your LF daughterboards are compatible with the motherboard in your NI USRP 2920 and you will not run into any compatibility issues. To answer your second question, support for the LFTX and LFRX were added to the LabVIEW driver in NI-USRP version 1.2. As long as you are using version 1.2, you can use your LFTX and LFRX daughterboards in LabVIEW.
Dear Sarah,
Thank you for your reply. Can you please confirm one more thing, how can I check NI USRP-2920 version?
Hi Joseph,
There is a property node that you can use to pull the current driver version:
The property can be found under Meta Infromation » Driver Identification » Current Driver Version. If you need to update your driver, you can download NI-USRP 1.2 here: