The Syslog protocol is a simple UDP communication standard for sending messages from distributed systems and processes to a central collector for logging and later analysis. It can be used for debugging embedded and distributed applications by sending simple messages from the embedded code to a separate system running the syslog collector, also called the syslog server or daemon.
Download: Syslog on VIPM
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You can use Syslog for other communication, although there are probably other better options depending on the type of communication your application needs. Syslog uses a defined packet format and transfers packets using UDP. UDP is inherently lossy and TCP or Network Streams may provide you a better solution.
We typically classify communication by two main factors and then recommend a specific communication path or implementation.
Inter- or Intra-Target - do you need to communicate between different processes or loops running on the same target (e.g. LV RT) or do you need to communicate between LV targets, (e.g. between LV RT and LV Windows, or LV RT and LV FPGA) across a bus or network.
Communication Type - what type of data do you need to transfer
Depending on these two factors we recommend different implementation options in LabVIEW.
That is a very comprehensive summary of different communication options in LabVIEW. For RT you will also want to review the cRIO Developers Guide, especially section 2 on communication.
Also the Reference Design Portal has some specific designs for communication.
The link in this page "Syslog on VIPM" prompts you to install v1.1-1 of the syslog library, while in the discussion forum you posted a link to v1.2.3.14. Should the link in this community page be updated?
The link on this page points to VIPM, which will show you different versions of the Syslog package depending on which version(s) of LabVIEW you have installed and selected in VIPM.
If VIPM points to version 1.1.1, then I assume you are using a version of LabVIEW before 2010. Syslog version 1.2 and later only support LabVIEW 2010 and later.
I use 2010, 2012, and 2013, but the version VIPM had prompted me to install for was 2010.
Yes, I can do that. I was just thinking it might be confusing for a new user who vists this page. They may end up installing the old version.