Real-Time Measurement and Control

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Hello,i am trying to do the examples of the manual getting started with CcompactRIO and labview for my moduleNI9401


I used the specail digital configuartion to create a PWM signal and i have a question:

why can i generate a signal with frequency 20kHz, shouldn´t be the limit 1KHz because i am using the scan interface?


and i used the configuration of period measurement too and the question is:

i use a wave generator to generate a digital signal and i read this signal with the ni9401, why at the indicator of frequency i read 0.0005 when my siganl has 500Hz of frequency? which units use ni9401 to do it? and which is the highest signal frequency that this digital input can read ?



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Hello mariomoskis,


The scan interface give you limitation on the frequency at which you can update the PWM not on the frequency of the PWM.


Have a good day,


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