03-04-2008 12:10 PM
Hello Everybody,
I still having some questions about the code posted here:
1) The code is perfect. The outputs are: Simulated (ue) / Ideal (ue) / % Error / Bridge Offset (V/V).
How can I correct the values in my code, using these outputs values?
I.E.: I´m using a 100ohms resistor with a gage factor GF=2,11
The output values that I have for these one are:
Simulated (ue): 0,000600489
Ideal (ue): 0,000568039
% Error: 0,201548
Bridge Offset (V/V): 0,000956972
I would like to know how can I correct my measurements based on these output values.
Thank´s all!
Paulo Paraizo.
03-04-2008 12:47 PM - edited 03-04-2008 12:48 PM
03-04-2008 04:03 PM
My suggestion would be to ignore the Offset or auto zero all together. Software offsetting is the best method for the 9237.
An example calculation would be:
Normal reading(with no strain on your system)=1000, Shunt Reading(same system)=1050, Simulate Theory(From pure calculations)=49
Gain adjust = 49/(1050-1000) = 0.98
Final Strain = [(reading) – 1000]*0.98
*note that the bridge was off balance (1000) when the system was at rest. This 1000 needs to be offset from every reading so that the system at rest is zero.
03-19-2008 10:12 AM
Dear Everybody,
All the problems about shunt and offset nulling I have already solved. The other point is:
I’m trying to use 3 modules 9237 together and it’s performing with loss of acquisition frequency.
Why is the best way to do it without this phenomenon?
Could someone post anything about this issue?
Thanks all!
Paulo Paraizo.
03-20-2008 09:29 AM
Hi Paulo,
First, I’m not sure about the specifics of what you are seeing. It would be helpful if you could provide some more detail. Second and more importantly, I would strongly suggest starting a new forum thread with this question. This would invite more of the LabVIEW and cRIO community to join in. Right now, the only people who have viewed this post are those who are interested in “How do I set strain gauge resistance on 9237.”
03-20-2008 10:23 AM
Hi Charlie,
Firstly thank you. I will start a new forum concerning this issue.
But, anyway, what I’m trying to say is about the response time when you are using three 9237 modules together. I have already noted that doing it I have a kind of loss of time of data acquisition. When I use just one module, I can have acquisition of data with 1 millisecond perfectly, but when I have 3 modules working together, I just can work with near of 300 milliseconds concerning the time of acquisition data. Is there a way to reduce this effect?
Thanks again!
Paulo Paraizo.
03-21-2008 01:11 PM
Hi Paulo,
Try looking at the example “Synchronizing NI 923x Modules.” If you have any questions, make a new thread and add a link to that thread on this forum.
03-24-2008 06:24 AM
Hello Charlie,
Below you can find the address regarding the new thread that you suggested me to create.
I have already posted a short text about my problem, but, anyway, I looked the example that you post, but I couldn’t note any change.
Once more, thank you!
Paulo Paraizo.
02-19-2009 05:35 AM
Hi Everybody
I´m new in Labview 8.6 and i have the CRIO 9074.
My question is...Can i calibrate my 9237 whitout FPGA?That means, Can i use the shunt calibration in Scan Interface (Real Time only) whiout any FPJA vi?
Pedro Faria
02-19-2009 09:55 AM
You can use
Set Shunt Calibration (Scan Interface) .vi
which is located in
<LabVIEW 8.6 Install Dir>\examples\CompactRIO\Shared
Also a note, in the future it would be appreciated if you would start a new thread to ask a new question.