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How do I get the CompactRIO 9074 to communicate with the TPC 2206 using network variables?

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I am having trouble getting the Compact Rio to communicate with my touch panel. The goal is to have the CRIO read in data values, update them as network variables, and then send them to the touch panel where they will be displayed. I have used the Distributed System Manager to verify that the CRIO is updating the network variables.  I have also created alias files for both the CRIO and the TPC to ensure that they have the necessary IP addresses included.  I am able to PING the CRIO from the touch panel, so I don't believe it is a network connection problem. This leads me to believe that the CRIO is functioning properly, hosting the variable library and broadcasting it on the network, but for some reason the touch panel does not know how to retrieve the variables.  Also I have found that When editing the "Properties" of the touch panel executable, if the "Shared Variable Deployment" section contains a checked box then an error results when trying to "run" the executable on the touch panel, however if the box is left unchecked then the executable runs with no error; it still does not update values from the CRIO though.
I'm not sure what else to try, so any help/ideas would really be appreciated!
Thanks 🙂

Equipment I am using:
TPC 2206 Touch Panel (Windows XP Embedded)
CompactRIO 9074
Labview 2010

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Message 1 of 5

The touch panel 2206 with Windows XPembedded does not currently ship with shared variable support installed. If you are still having issues with it installed, then please respond back and we can see if there is anything else that could be causing your issue.

National Instruments
RIO Embedded Hardware PSE

CompactRIO Developers Guide
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Message 2 of 5

How do we install support for the shared variables?  All we have found are instructions for older versions and WindowsCE which don't apply. 

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Message 3 of 5
Accepted by topic author FrankTheTank

Problem solved, thanks for your help!


For anyone else having this problem in the future:

As previously stated, the TPC2206 (touch panel) with Windows XP Embedded does not come with the shared variable engine support installed.  To fix this problem I went to, typed in "LabVIEW Run Time Engine 2010" in the search box (if you are using a different version of LabVIEW then search accordingly) and clicked on the second link "LabVIEW Run-Time Engine 2010 - (32-bit Standard RTE) - Windows 7/7 64 bit/Server 2003 R2 (32-bit)/XP/Vista/Vista x64/Server 2008 R2 (64-bit)", downloaded it, put the file onto a USB flash drive (my touch panel is not connected to the internet), plugged it into the touch panel, installed the file and restarted the touch panel.

Message 4 of 5

Hi Frank


Didn't work for me.

The system consist on a TPC2206 with windows XPe connected directly to a Host PC, so still don't connect the crio until the problem is solved.

The test project consist on a Host VI where a random number is generated, displayed on a chart, and written to a shared variable.  The library is in the host.  On the TPC I have a VI that attemps to read the shared variable, but I get the famous error -1950679035.


I'm pretty sure the network connection is working because I can ping the devices from each other, and in the Test Button of the TPC on the LabVIEW project is working with the services activated (Service is running. Version 1.0.0).


I followed the instruction, downloaded the LV RTE, and installed making sure shared vaiable support was included.  Even more, on the TPC I checked in the Administrative Tools - System and the National Instruments Variable Engine is started.


I have down antivirus and firewalls to avoid restriction from the network.


Also, I tried developing a single VI with two While Loops, in the first one I write the random to the shared variable, and the second While Loop reads the shared variable.  The library is located on the TPC.  Same error.


What else can I be doing wrong?


Thanks Tank!

NI Distributor Ecuador
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Message 5 of 5