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Eclipse Include Files not Found



I have installed C & C++ Development Tools for NI Linux Real Time 2014, Eclipse, and am having issues with the "includes" folder populating correctly.


After installing the the eclipse software and creating a new project for C++ Hello World, I get unresolved includsion: iostream


After reviewing a colleagues computer with eclipse installed, the problem seems to be due to the CDT Cross GCC Built-in Compiler Settings not populating (ie. on my computer, this preprocessor include entry has nothing inside it, however on my colleagues machine, it has many includes and symbols defined).


I have tried uninstalling eclipse and re-installing, but still cannot find a solution.


Any help would be much appreciated.





0 Kudos
Message 1 of 3

Could you post a screenshot of the CDT Cross GCC Built-In Compiler Settings window as it appears in your Eclipse environment?  And one of the error you are seeing?

Cody A.
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 3

Hi Cody,

I have solved this problem.


I had a fortran GNU compiler installed on my computer (for use with some simulation software on my computer), and this seems to have caused all the problems.  When I looked at the paths included by the Cross GCC it was refering to the fortran directory rather than the National Instruments directory.  To solve the problem, I have uninstalled the fortran software and now everything works, macros and paths properly populated by the Cross GCC.


Maybe you have a better solution than to delete the fortran software?  Maybe modifying my $PATH environment variable so the NI path comes at the end rather than beginning?





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