Real-Time Measurement and Control

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9012 cRIO DAQ Question



I'm having a couple problems with the 9012 cRIO with the 9205 breakout. I'm trying to measure voltages on the breakout and log them locally to a flash drive on the cRIO. I want to use a computer to start and stop the test, but I CANNOT have it be required to always be connected. 


I've done a bit of research and found a couple VI's but no real hard code to do so. I just cannot figure out the computer connection problem.



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You'll want to use a Shared Variable Engine(SVE) hosted on the cRIO.  Set your computer to subscribe to the SVE and update with start/stop as needed.  The cRIO can ignore timeouts or errors from reading the SVE but will still process data changes.


BTW, a 9205 isn't a breakout, all the analog input circuitry is onboard.

--Using LV8.2, 8.6, 2009, 2012--
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