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Quick Drop to create a static DVR method for a class

This QDK creates a method with DVR input and output, similar to the Static Dispatch VI method for a class, adds it to the Owning class and places an in-place element structure to read the class object out of the DVR. I think, a similar option is available in LV GOOP, not in LVOOP. This might be useful for devs who create DVRs of the class object after instantiation and pass the DVR throughout instead of the object itself.









  1. Extract the zip to <Documents>\LabVIEW Data\Quick Drop Plugins\ - QDKs in this folder will be available for all versions of LV starting from the version in which the QDK was created.
  2. Feel free the to edit the DVRMethod.vit available at <Documents>LabVIEW Data\Quick Drop Plugins\DVRMethod\DVR Method\SubVIs to customise the method that is being created.

How to use this:

Click on a Class Object constant / control / indicator

Use Ctrl + Space; Ctrl + Y to invoke this QDK


Note: This QDK can be used with LV 2014 onwards. Thanks to the community. I have picked some snippets from other QDKs that I have used from this forum. I have added necessary comments. Please reply with suggestions / improvements or if there is a better version of it already in the forums.



Soliton Technologies

Soliton Technologies
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