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PXI-6541 is detected but not installed with software driver

Hello every one,


Could anyone help me to install the software driver of PXI-6541 card at the below hardware and software?

PXIe-1088 Chassis

  1: PXIe-8301, Thunderbolt controller

  2: PXI-6541, DWG card (detected but not installed with software driver)

  4: PXIe-5413 (2CH), AWG card (working with InstrumentStudio)

  7: PXIe-5110 scope card (working with InstrumentStudio)

  8: PXIe-5110 scope card (working with InstrumentStudio)


HP desktop PC, EliteDesk 800 GF Small Form Factor Business PC

  Intel CPU I 9500 Core i5-6C


  HP Thunderbolt 3 PCIe x4 Card


Windows 10 Ent version, 64 bit

  Version 1909

  Installed on 2021-1-4

  OS build 18363.1411


LabVIEW and NI software version

  64-bit, V20.0, LabVIEW Full version


Lastly the PXI-6541 card is working with the control of our Vendor Lenovo notebook PC & LabVIEW program.

Thus the card, Thunderbolt controller, chassis and PC must be OK! (For certain software setup)

To install the software driver at Device manger, Windows is crashed with Blue screen.

  The fault is related to the file NI54SSK.sys which is located at the c:\windows\system32\drivers.





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Message 1 of 10

Please try installing the driver from https://www.ni.com/en-us/support/downloads/drivers/download.ni-hsdio.html#345633


Soliton Technologies

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Message 2 of 10

Hello Santhosh,


Thanks for your suggestion.

But I did try to uninstall and then install again for the various versions NI software NI-HDSIO.

  such as V20.0 of 32 / 64 bit, V20.5 of 32 bit

  No change was found!


I did also try to :

  1) power off the Chassis

  2) unplug the card.

  3) uninstall the software

  4) power on the Chassis

  5) install the other version NI-HSDIO

  6) power off the Chassis

  7) plug the card again at the same slot

  😎 power on the Chassis


The card was still detected but not installed with software driver.



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Message 3 of 10

BTW, what do you mean not installed with a software driver? - you can check in NI MAX for the list of drivers installed.



see if NI-HSDIO is listed under Softwares,





Do you mean a soft front panel like Instrument Studio? - if this is your expectation, unfortunately, HSDIO does not come with such advanced front panel, check your LV function palette if HSDIO pops up there,




Soliton Technologies

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Message 4 of 10

Hello Santhosh,


You can refer to my 1st post attached screen files (P03, P04) that are captured at the Windows Device Manager.

It shows that the card is not installed with driver and there is no "self-test" for this card.


For NI-HDSIO, please see the attached screen.

It should be installed good (considered by the NI installer) but cannot setup the software driver under Windows.






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Message 5 of 10

My sincere apologies for overlooking those images attached in the original post. This seems weird and I am going to mostly shoot in the dark with the most probable issues and solutions.


I could think of the following,

  1. Windows driver database is somehow corrupted
    • If another equivalent machine is available, please try on that too
    • If not, what about a windows restore or reformat
    • What happens if you try to uninstall the driver in the device manager and manually point to the actual driver (I don't have instructions on how to do it, but it would be good to figure out)
  2. There is some sort of PXI address bottleneck on your machine and the thunderbolt port was not allocated enough addresses to assign to each of the instruments
    • This may not be happening as the card is detected but just that windows could not install the right driver
    • To rule this issue out, remove all other cards in the chassis, leave only the 6541 in the slot closest to the MXI card and see if ti is properly detected
Soliton Technologies

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Message 6 of 10

Hello Santhosh,


I do not have the same hardware HP PC for testing.

By the way I also do not have a PC with Thunderbolt 3.

As the current PC is managed by our IT colleagues (we are University of Hong Kong).

I cannot change the Windows setting too much ( or reinstall the PC)


When I inserted only the DWG card PXI-6541 (unplug the other 3 PXIe cards), I selected driver update at the Windows Device manager.

The last screen was shown as stalled with driver file (*.sys).

But Windows (blue screen) was crashed at once.

Now the NI Chassis and HP PC is very unstable.

The Windows will crash just after the bootup / login stage.

  I need to power up the PC first and then NI Chassis.

  If I power up the NI Chassis first, my PC cannot boot up and blue screen crashed is happened during booting.

I will reset the Device Manger and remove the NI driver.

If this is still not OK, I need to have clean NI software installation again to let the 3 PXIe cards working.

I just ignore the PXIe-6541.


Lastly I wonder this problem should be related to the mixed type of PXI & PXIe cards at the NI Chassis.

I use the external PC with Thunderbolt to control it.

NI may only test their Chassis with their embedded PC card.

Now I will ask our vendor to borrow the PXIe-6544 (which is similar of PXI-6541)

The last point is that PXI-6541 will be obsolete this year (because the web sit shows that the last order date is 2021-12-31)







0 Kudos
Message 7 of 10

Hello Santhosh,


After I remove the PXI-6541 driver at the Windows Device Manager,  now the 3 PXIe cards are working as before.

The PXI-6541 is still detected but not installed with driver.

This should be a limited function (No DWG) of our NI system. 

But we can still perform our 1st test with the AWG.


Lastly I just wait for NI respond.





0 Kudos
Message 8 of 10

For quick support, I would suggest you contact NI Support at https://www.ni.com/my-support/s/service-requests


Waiting for NI support to respond in the forum is not definite.

Soliton Technologies

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Message 9 of 10

I just report this bug at the below site.




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Message 10 of 10